Advisory Committee

Yagmur Denizhan
Yagmur Denizhan is Professor at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and Head of the Graduate Program in Systems and Control Engineering of Bogazici University. Recent technical research areas are nonlinear dynamics, chaos control, synchronisation and modelling of biological systems, while wider fields of philosophical involvement include social impacts of technology, cognitive science, biosemiotics, systems theory and mythology.

Helena Knyazeva
Helena Knyazeva is Dr.habil. in Philosophy, Professor of the School of Philosophy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. She is Academician of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS) and Member of the Scientific Council “Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin” in Mexico. In 1997-98, 2004 and 2005, 2007, 2012, 2015 she was Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at Hermann Haken’s Center of Synergetics, University of Stuttgart (Germany) and at Karl von Linde Academy at the Technical University of Munich (Germany); in 2000, 2002, 2005 she was Invited Scholar at Edgar Morin’s Center of Interdisciplinary Research (Sociology, Anthropology, History) (CETSAH) in Paris. Her fields of research expertise are Epistemology and Philosophy of science with special focus on Philosophy of Complexity and Interdisciplinary Studies. She published 11 books in Russian and more than 30 research articles in international peer reviewed journals. Email:

Klaus Kornwachs
Klaus Kornwachs is a permanent Honorary Professor for Philosophy at University Ulm, Germany since 1990, and a member of the German Academy for Science and Engineering. He held the Chair for Philosophy of Technology at Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus from 1992 to 2011. He studied Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy, and won 1991 the Research Award for Technical Communication of the Alcatel-SEL Foundation. He was Guest Professor at Vienna, Budapest and Dalian. His main fields in research are philosophy of technology, analytical philosophy, philosophy of sciences and general system theory. For publications see

Robert K. Logan
Robert K. Logan, Professor Emeritus Physics, Fellow of St. Michael’s College, U. of Toronto, and Chief Scientist at OCAD U. in the Strategic Innovation Lab, has a variety of experiences as an academic involved in research in media ecology, complexity theory, information theory, systems biology, environmental science, linguistics, and industrial design. Logan has published, co-published or edited 16 books and over 150 articles or book chapters.
See and for access to publications.

Edgar Morin
Edgar Morin is a French philosopher and sociologist born in 1921 who has been internationally recognised for his work on complexity and "complex thought" (pensée complexe), and for his scholarly contributions to such diverse fields as media studies, politics, sociology, visual anthropology, ecology, education, and systems biology. His work is connected with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the French National Research Center in Paris, and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS). In addition to being the UNESCO Chair of Complex Thought, Morin is known as a founder of transdisciplinarity. He holds honorary doctorates in a variety of social science fields from 21 universities. In 2012, he was awarded the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Award in Complexity Thinking. Among his publications are
- La Méthode (6 volumes)
- 1977, La Nature de la nature
- 1980, La Vie de la vie
- 1986, La Connaissance de la connaissance
- 1991, Les Idées
- 2001, L’Humanité de l’humanité
- 2004, L'Éthique complexe
- 1993, Terre-patrie
- 2000, Les Sept savoirs nécessaires à l'éducation du futur (Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future, UNESCO)
- 2008, Pour une politique de civilisation, Paris, Éditions Arléa
- 2011, La Voie. Pour l'avenir de l'humanité, Paris, Fayard
- 2015, Qui est Daech?, with Régis Debray, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Michel Onfray, Olivier Weber, Jean-Christophe Rufin et Gilles Kepel, Philippe Rey

Rainer E. Zimmermann
Prof. i. R., Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil. (habil.)
Lehrgebiet UIG, FB 2 (Informatik), HTW, Berlin / Clare Hall, UK – Cambridge
Working in the field of Metaphysics and Philosophy of Nature including Philosophy of Science and Ethical Implications, especially on onto-epistemic aspects of the modelling of the world, in terms of spaces, networks, and systems. Also Chairman of the Executive Board and Scientific Director of the Institute of Design Science, Munich, and co-editor of its series of monographs and its yearbook. Member of IASCYS, Brussels, and President of the Leibniz Society of Scholars, Berlin, 2019-2020.
Former Advisory Committee Members

Mario Augusto Bunge†
Mario Augusto Bunge is an Argentine philosopher, philosopher of science and physicist born in 1919. He died 2020. He was mainly active in Canada. He has written more than 400 papers and 80 books. His thinking embodies global systemism, emergentism, rationalism, scientific realism, materialism and consequentialism. He has been distinguished with twenty one honorary doctorates and four honorary professorships by universities from both the Americas and Europe. In 2014, he was awarded the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Award in Complexity Thinking. He is also a supporter of the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly. Among his publications are
- 1967. Scientific Research. Strategy and Philosophy. Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag. Reprinted as Philosophy of Science (1998).
- 1974–89. Treatise on Basic Philosophy: 8 volumes in 9 parts:
- I: Semantics I: Sense and Reference. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1974.
- II: Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1974.
- III: Ontology I: The Furniture of the World. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1977.
- IV: Ontology II: A World of Systems. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979.
- V: Epistemology and Methodology I: Exploring the World. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1983.
- VI: Epistemology and Methodology II: Understanding the World. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1983.
- VII: Epistemology and Methodology III: Philosophy of Science and Technology: Part I. Formal and Physical Sciences. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985. Part II. Life Science, Social Science and Technology. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985.
- VIII: Ethics: the Good and the Right. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1989.
- 1980. The Mind-Body Problem. Oxford: Pergamon.
- 2003. Emergence and Convergence: Qualitative Novelty and the Unity of Knowledge. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- 2012: Evaluating Philosophies. New York: Springer.