Utopia(s) Conversations

16 July 2024

Café, alte WU-Mensa, 4lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
Indoor Cinema (UPDATE!)




The End of Humanity(?)

GSIS Utopia(s) Conversations on Meaningful Technologies & a Convivial Society for All

A documentary on Trans-/Posthumanism

18:30 CEST Live introduction by Raffaela Giovagnoli (Pontifical Lateran University), Tomáš Sigmund (University of Economics Prague), Christian Stary (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)

19:30 CEST Streaming of the film

20:30 CEST Discussion

Take part online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85711810509?pwd=E6Nwdl2z09YMbYIPnSCkegJmlmb5o7.1
Meeting-ID: 857 1181 0509
Kenncode: 158194
Pls, register: mail to office@gsis.at

Read more:

On 16 July 2024 is the AI Appreciation Day:
Be fully human, not fully automated!
We need 100% of humanity

At 19:30 CET, NGO’s, universities and other partner institutions will launch “The End of Humanity” globally. There will be screenings of the film followed by podium debates all over the world

Link to our announcement for more information

Past Utopia(s) Conversations

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Utopia(s) Conversations

Updated on 2024-07-09T09:18:03+02:00, by Wolfgang Hofkirchner.