Current projects

Edgar Morin:


Editor: Wolfgang Hofkirchner
Translation: Cécile Malaspina
Supervision: Rainer E. Zimmermann

Translation of Edgar Morin's La méthode volume 6 Éthique into German.
Due to the current relevance of the topic, the translation of this last volume of La Méthode is preferred.
Book project. Partly subsidised. Publication planned for 2025/26.

Cotton Recycling & Sargassum Paper Research

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-23 um 14.02.52

Co-ordinators: Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger, Sherief Shokri

This project is about support for eco-friendly methods for producing paper materials.

In preparation.
GSIS Donations requested using the code: SW-paper

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Utopia(s) Conversations


Co-ordinators: Irena Mostowicz and Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger

The Institute organises a programme of conversations in various formats that tie in with the themes of our Utopia(s) Reloaded Talks in October 2023. Our Utopia(s) Conversations will revolve around a Convivial Society for All, a Sustainable Planet and Meaningful Technologies.

Subsidised in 2024 by the Commission for Education, Inclusion, Diversity and Social Affairs (BIDS), a District Cultural Promotion Division of the Vienna Cultural Department (MA 7). Subsidised in 2025 by the Vienna Cultural Department.

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Youngsters Hybrid Art Academy


Collaboration: Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger & Anna Ceeh

The idea is to found an edutainment platform for children and young people about arts and digital media.

To be funded by private and public sources: Pls, donate to GSIS and dedicate your donation to this project by indicating "YHAA"!

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Co-ordinator: Sophie Huber-Lachner

New cultures of cooperation have been emerging all over Austria, Europe and the world. This research project seeks to map initiatives and projects, companies and politics that experiment with future ways of  learning, working and living together.

"Conviviality" - i.e. sociability, joyance, festivity - describes their common ground, their mindset: the term coined by Viennese philosopher Ivan Illich, aims at using technical progress for truly human purposes: "Von der Produktivität zur Konvivialität übergehen heißt, einen ethischen Wert an die Stelle eines technischen Wertes, einen realisierten Wert an die Stelle eines materialisierten Wertes setzen." (1973|1975: "Tools for Conviviality"|"Selbstbegrenzung")

Eigen project. In preparation.

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Single Integrated
Science of



Co-ordinators: Mark Burgin†, Wolfgang Hofkirchner

After Burgin had created his General Theory of Information (e.g., Theory of Information: FundamentalityDiversity and Unification 2010) and the feasibility and needfulness of a Unified Theory of Information had been demonstrated by Hofkirchner (e.g., Emergent Information 2013), the UTI Research Group had achieved a milestone that opened a new vista: further steps towards a Science of Information in its own right. That was the new agenda.

As Burgin passed away after being hospitalised at the end of 2022, a book volume in two parts and a journal special issue are in preparation in memory of him.

Eigen project. Start: June 2019.

Evolution of Information Processing Systems


Co-ordinator: Annette Grathoff

It is possible to come to a positive motivation for conserving (bio)diversity by considering knowledge about how stability develops and is lost in evolution. The main problem is stated on the GSIS main page, namely that science is continued to be split up into ever more specialised disciplines that are siloed against each other. To face this problem, interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange needs to be focused. The Evolution of Information Processing Systems project is a contribution to reaching this goal.


Materialism, Critical Media and
Communi-cation Theory


Authors: Sebastian Sevignani, Sevda C. Arslan

This textbook introduces and discusses the most important critical media and communication theorists, who contribute to a better understanding of media's and communication's role in capitalism.

Book project. Publication, originally planned for 2020, has been postponed.

Edgar Morin:
Das Leben des Lebens


Editor: Wolfgang Hofkirchner
Translation: Cécile Malaspina
Supervision: Rainer E. Zimmermann

German translation of Edgar Morin's second volume La Vie de la Vie of the six volumes of La Méthode. It follows the first volume Die Natur der Natur.

Book project. Project interrupted due to lack of funding.

Origins of Systems Thinking


Co-ordinators: Robert K. Logan, Annette Grathoff, Wolfgang Hofkirchner

The assumption we would like to substantiate is that not only with the science of Ecology, not only with General System Theory and even not only with Aristotle Systems Thinking was born. It might have been born with the birth of homo sapiens (sapiens) and might have to do with conceptual thinking that features the capacity to generalisations and with the dissociation of humans from their social relations that features the capacity to hierarchical thinking.

Eigen project. Start: August 2017.

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Updated on 2025-03-16T17:41:52+01:00, by Alex Banfield.