

Utopia(s) Conversations 2024-

16 July 2024: Artificial Intelligence – The End of Humanity?

Raffaela Giovagnoli, Tomáš Sigmund, and Christian Stary about the documentary “End of Humanity”, moderated by Wolfgang Hofkirchner

vimeo Channel “The Great Bifurcation”

Utopia(s) Reloaded, Vienna, 26-28 October 2023



Frank Adloff | What is conviviality?

Kurt Bayer | Climate justice within capitalism?

Verena Gradinger | Climate change: What needs to be done?

Edson Krenak | What can we learn from indigenous peoples?

Livia Regen | What is the degrowth movement about?

Ernest Aigner | How can we achieve climate-friendly living?

Armin Scholl | The limits of ChatGPT

Hans-Jörg Kreowski | The dream of a peaceful digital transformation

Digital Humanism: How to shape digitalisation in the age of global challenges?
Workshop at the IS4SI Summit, 12-19 September 2021, online

Part 8: Humanism in the Anthropocene

Yurii Mielkov | Humanism in the digital age: Risks and opportunities for science and democracy 
Jian Wang | “Epiphylogenesis” as a possibility of temporal experience
Robert K. Logan | The evolution of the Anthropocene and climate change: A media ecology approach and a call to action

Part 7: Concepts of digitalisation

Rafal Maciag | Digital transformation as a reconstruction of knowledge
Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum | From objective reality to fake news galaxy: Narcissus 
Narcosis, images and imagination in contemporary global expanded reality village
Vangelis Papadimitropoulos | The politics of cyber-physical commons

Part 6: Design

Katerina Malisova, Modestos Stavrakis | Sustainable interactions as design objects that promote Digital Humanism
Christian Stary | Does system-of-systems thinking work for self-governance of digitally transforming systems?
Peter Brödner | Resuming experiences in human-centred design of computer-assisted knowledge work processes

Part 5: Values for Design

Sarah Spiekermann | Gardening – A metaphor for a future with value-based engineering
Esther Görnemann, Sarah Spiekermann | Emotional value landscape – A new tool to bridge emotional user experiences and value-based technology assessment 
Liang Wang | The virtue approach of ethical design for transcultural Artificial Intelligence systems

Part 4: Evolution of technology

Daniel Boyd | Hybrid information systems: who is in control? 
Jaime F. Cárdenas-García | Info-autopoiesis and digitalisation 
Howard Bloom | Electronic symbiosis – Lessons from bacteria

Part 3: Global strategies

Juan Mansilla | Social resilience and intergenerational learning: A way to Digital 
Peter Ludes | The Belt and Road Initiative and the project of a social European Union – 
A quest for intergenerational media of understanding 
Rocío Rueda Ortiz | Education and digitalisation in the Global South: A reflection from 
the Colombian case

Part 2: Education and development

Henning Lübbecke | Informatics and society in German computer sciences bachelor 
Rahel Bekele, Tesfaye Biru, Christiane Floyd | The potential of ICT for development: 
Vision and implementation in TEMACC-Ethiopia

Part 1: Futures of science and technology

Hans-Jörg Kreowski | A world worth living – Can Artificial Intelligence help to reach 
the goal? 
Christoph Marischka | Scientific nonalignment – Technology without geopolitics


A documentary for pupils from 10 to 14 in the framework of the “Homeland Earth” campaign.
Made by Sophie Huber-Lachner in co-operation with The Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution and The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society. 2021

Discussion events

Livia Regen |The media vs. the climate, 10 May 2021


Updated on 2024-09-26T17:22:40+02:00, by Wolfgang Hofkirchner.