Human Strategies in Complexity

This project was carried out from 2001 to 2004 at the Vienna University of Technology (Co-ordinator and Austrian team leader: Wolfgang Hofkirchner) together with three other teams from Russia (Synergetics Group at the Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, team leader: Vjacheslav Stepin), Ukraine (the Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science at the Kiev National Shevchenko University, team leader: Iryna Dobronravova) and Germany (the Interdisciplinary Study Group on Philosophical Problems of Foundation at the University of Kassel, team leader: Rainer E. Zimmermann). Guest researchers such as John Collier from South Africa were invited to take part.

Funds came from INTAS from the EU and the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science, and Culture. The newly founded UTI Research Group supported the project too.

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