Mark was an extreme scientist. He has written more than thousand publications in different fields of science, has held many positions and was not afraid to take on work. When he joined our institute, he did not want to become…
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Wolfgang Hofkirchner held a lecture at the online November plenary session of the Leibniz society of scholars (Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin) on 12 November 2020. The talk was in German and so are the slides. The Information Age Imperative…
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The establishment of the Study of Information as an academic field in its own right is a scientific endeavour that is carried out by the IS4SI (International Society for the Study of Information). The GSIS Institute supports it. Its Emergent…
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The evolution of humanity faces a Great Bifurcation: either a breakthrough to a regime of global governance in which the self-made global challenges in the social, ecological and technological realm can be kept under control or a breakdown threatening with…
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Mark Burgin, GSIS Chief Information Scientist, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Member of the Emergent Systems Group, and Marcin Schroeder, President of the International Society for Information Studies (IS4SI), published the proceedings of the IS4SI Berkeley Summit on AI in 2019. They collected…
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A science of information as a single integrated transdiscipline cannot be reduced to a unified, or general, theory of information. But it can take advantage of such a theory that can form its backbone. Science is more than theory that…
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Wolfgang Hofkirchner was invited to give a lecture on Emergent information. A Unified Theory of Information framework (the title of his 2013 monograph) at the Institute of Information Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, on 26 November 2019.…
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Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic and Mark Burgin edited Volume 10 of the World Scientific Series in Information Studies in May 2019. Volume 11 is planned for 2020. Those publications have been prepared in the aftermath of the Summit Gothenburg 2017. See more…
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