Category Archives: Emergent Systems Research Group

Symposium on intelligent symbiosis for the future of humanity – science, technology, ethics and society

On 18 December 2024 Annette Grathoff, Tomáš Sigmund and Liang Wang organised together with Lianfu Yan, Dean of the School of Marxism at the Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, a symposium on that topic. Annette and Tomáš were connected online, Liang…

Changes to ICT, Management and Business Processes through AI

The 32nd Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT) took place 4 to 6 September 2024 in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. Our Institutional Member, the Department of Systems Analysis of the University of Economics and Business, Prague, was represented by Petr Doucek…

Institut für Design Science annual Wittenberg meeting 2024

Bei der 7. Herbsttagung des Institut für Design Science in Wittenberg 2024 vom 30.08. bis 01.09., in der geschichtsträchtigen Leucorea, ging es im weitesten Sinne um die Naturphilosophie Schellings und Blochs. Im engeren Sinne gab es eine Vielfalt an Themen,…

Best poster award for Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger at Quantum Information and Probability conference

GSIS Co-Director Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger received the 1st Prize of the Best Poster Award at this year’s Linnæus University‘s international conference on Quantum Information and Probability: from foundations to engineering (QIP24) in Växjö (Sweden). Her topic was dedicated to the memory…

Peter Fleissner Heinz-von-Förster Award Winner

Our Member Peter Fleissner was awarded the Heinz-von-Förster Prize by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kybernetik (GfK) in a commonon session with Klasse der Naturwissenschaften and Klasse der Technikwissenschaften of Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V. (LS) on 11 April 2024. The…

6th autumn conference of the Institut für Design Science München 2023

8-10 September 2023, the Institut für Design Science München held its annual conference at Leucorea in Wittenberg. The topic this time was “Naturphilosophie”. Rainer E. Zimmermann reports: Besides Zimmermann himself who is chairperson of the Institut für Design Science, three…

New Challenges for ICT and Management: IDIMT 2023

The 31st Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT) took place 6–8 September 2023 in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, under the title “New Challenges for ICT and Management” (see announcement here). The proceedings of this annual conference have been published. The editors…

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