Category Archives: Project

Symposium on intelligent symbiosis for the future of humanity – science, technology, ethics and society

On 18 December 2024 Annette Grathoff, Tomáš Sigmund and Liang Wang organised together with Lianfu Yan, Dean of the School of Marxism at the Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, a symposium on that topic. Annette and Tomáš were connected online, Liang…

On the role of intelligence in evolution

GSIS Utopia(s) Conversations on a Convivial Society for All & on a Sustainable Planet Annette Grathoff (Dr. rer. nat. Biology) (GSIS, IS4SI) Presentation in English:13 November 2024, 13:00 CETOnline only Pre-recorded video(Join the meeting via ZOOM: 856 8004 1500…

Institut für Design Science annual Wittenberg meeting 2024

Bei der 7. Herbsttagung des Institut für Design Science in Wittenberg 2024 vom 30.08. bis 01.09., in der geschichtsträchtigen Leucorea, ging es im weitesten Sinne um die Naturphilosophie Schellings und Blochs. Im engeren Sinne gab es eine Vielfalt an Themen,…

“Utopia(s) reloaded” talks V: Summary

Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation Date: 26-28 October 2023 Venue: 4lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien Organisation GSIS in co-operation with partners:Club of ViennaDegrowth ViennaDFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe “Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit”, Universität Hamburg (DFG-KFG)Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF)Fridays for Future…

“Utopia(s) reloaded” talks III: Call for a shared future – An interview

At the first GSIS conference in Vienna in October 2023, people from science, research and business as well as artists shed light on the current polycrisis from different perspectives. They explored the paradigm changes needed to transform our societies and…

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