“Utopia(s) reloaded” talks VI: All video interviews

Besides the event video, you can view here all the interviews which were conducted at our Utopia(s) reloaded talks 26-28 October 2023. You can view them also at our The Great Bifurcation channel on vimeo.

You can browse: “What is conviviality?” with Frank Adler, “What can we learn from indigenous peoples?” with Edson Krenak, “What is the degrowth movement about?” with Livia Regen, “How can we achieve climate-friendly living?” with Ernest Aigner, “Climate justice within capitalism?” with Kurt Bayer, “Climate change: what needs to be done?” with Verena Gradinger, “The limits of ChatGPT” with Armin Scholl and “The dream of a peaceful digital transformation” with Hans-Jörg Kreowski.

The interviews were produced by Patrick Hagn and Karolin Pichler from Pauseroni.


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