Information in the world

The establishment of the Study of Information as an academic field in its own right is a scientific endeavour that is carried out by the IS4SI (International Society for the Study of Information). The GSIS Institute supports it. Its Emergent Systems Group works as Special Interest Group of IS4SI. Now the second volume of two going back to the IS4SI Summit on Digitalisation for a Sustainable Society held at the Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2017, has just been published in the World Scientific Series in Information Studies. It is devoted to Theoretical Information Studies.

This is the first attempt to delineate the synthetic field of the theoretical study of information, treating information as the basic phenomenon on the fundamental level of the world, encompassing nature, technology, individuals and society. The exploration of information is done within Info-computational approaches, to natural and social phenomena such as Bioinformatics, Information Physics, Informational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Cognitive and Social sciences, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary, crossdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge.

The book presents results of collaboration across research fields within info-computational and info-structural frameworks, in attempt to better theoretically and conceptually capture the phenomenon of information and its dynamics (such as computation and communication), as they appear on different levels of organization, on different scales and in different contexts.

See the introduction here.

See more here.

The first volume of two is Philosophy and Methodology of Information, published as volume no. 10 of the series, in 2019.


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