Critical perspectives on AI

This book, edited by Pieter Verdegem from the University of Westminster, is published open access and available here. It brings together critical interrogations of what constitutes AI, its impact and its inequalities in order to offer an analysis of what it means for AI to deliver benefits for everyone.

The book is structured in three parts:

Part 1, AI: Humans vs. Machines, presents critical perspectives on human-machine dualism.

Part 2, Discourses and Myths About AI, excavates metaphors and policies to ask normative questions about what is ‘desirable’ AI and what conditions make this possible.

Part 3, AI Power and Inequalities, discusses how the implementation of AI creates important challenges that urgently need to be addressed.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner from GSIS and Rainer Rehak from FIfF who is friend with GSIS are among the contributors.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner | Digital Humanism: Epistemological, Ontological and Praxiological Foundations

Rainer Rehak | The Language Labyrinth: Constructive Critique on the Terminology Used in the AI Discourse


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