Digital Humanism and the future of humanity

New Explorations journal is a revival of the journal Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication, created in 1953 by Marshall McLuhan and Ted Carpenter. The new journal is run by Robert K. Logan, McLuhan expert, information scientist and systems thinker, who is Member of the GSIS Advisory Committee.

The current issue, vol. 2 no. 3 (2022), is a special issue devoted to the topic of Digital Humanism and the Future of Humanity. Digital Humanism is an explicite claim to redirect development of digital technology towards an ethically aligned, value-based design. Will this redirection help bring about a shared future that allows the survival, let alone the flourishing, of Homo sapiens, given the absence of peace, of justice and of an alliance with nature?

This special issue contains contributions based upon the workshop organised by The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society together with our befriended Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility, Bremen, Germany – a workshop that was held in the framework of the online Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information 14 – 16 September 2021. The contributions, edited by Wolfgang Hofkirchner and Hans-Jörg Kreowski, underwent peer review. They span various problems of techno-social harmonisation and encourage engagement for turning the tables.

New Explorations is open access.

Read the issue here.

To learn more about the workshop, click here.

To watch the presentations, click here.

To read the proceedings (extended abstracts), click here.

With this publication, the subsequent work of the workshop has been finished.


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