“Artificial Intelligence” is a misnomer for “Automated Optimisation”, argues Engineering Professor Yagmur Denizhan

Yagmur Denizhan, full time faculty member at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, Head of the Graduate Program in Systems and Control Engineering, published the outcome of her talk in February 2022 as Research Article Intelligence as a Border Activity Between the Modelled and the Unmodelled. In this article, she carves out a new definition of intelligence from comparing the technological and the living agents perspective. According to this definition, the feat of internal restructuring of knowledge is missing with Artificial Intelligence that rather automates optimisations.

“This article […] is motivated by a concern about the way cognitive science and even philosophy are influenced by the notions of information and intelligence as conceptualised by cybernetics and information technology”, says Denizhan.

The article appeared online in a special issue of Angelaki, Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Vol. 28, 2023, edited by Cécile Malaspina who had organised in 2021/22 the seminar series on The Mental State of Noise & the New Frontiers of Cognition.

See the abstract here. For a free online copy ask the author, pls, here.

Denizhan is Member of our Advisory Committee, Malaspina is a Researcher with us.


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