Public Statement on the EU AI Act

Hannes Werthner from the Digital Humanism Initiative writes:

[…] the long-discussed EU AI Act to regulate Artificial Intelligence using a risk-based approach is currently in the so-called trilogue process between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the 27 Member States. This is the final and most crucial phase. For several reasons it has to be finished before the end of the year, otherwise the window of opportunity has passed. However, there is currently the risk that essential parts of the Act (those dealing with generative AI) are questioned by some member states. The result would be self-regulation by a small number of large IT companies.
For this reason, we ask for your support and signature in the following public statement.
Please go to, sign and also distribute it as widely as possible.
We must not miss this opportunity, in our own sake and for the sake of the whole world.

Hannes Werthner
Sign the Vienna Manifesto:
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[screenshot of the DigHum Website, 1 December 2023] 


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