Digital Humanism – How to shape digitalisation in the age of global challenges?

Under this very title, our Emergent Systems Group calls for papers to be presented at an online workshop at the online International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) 2021 Summit that will be held 12-19 September 2021.

The link between digital tools and humanisation at all to yield humane digitalisation is not the only topic that shall be discussed. Is it not the link between humane digitalisation and the urgent tasks of mitigating, if not resolving, the existential multi-crisis that faces humanity the discourse on which is imperative? Can we still afford digital designs that do not take that link into consideration? Can we still justify imperial lifestyles? – Or can we responsibly answer to the worldwide poor of today and the generations to come and harness digitalisation for the benefit of humanity?

The term “Digital Humanism” goes back to German philosopher Julian Nida-Rümelin. He will be keynote speaker at the Summit.

Find the details in the call for papers here. Deadline is 1 May 2021.

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