IS4SI 2021 Digital Humanism workshop programmed

[This event took place as announced below. Presenters came from 15 countries of 5 continents.]

The workshop on Digital Humanism co-organised by GSIS’s and Leibniz Society’s Emergent Systems Group and Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIfF) at the IS4SI Summit 2021 has now finalised its programming. We are grateful to the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics for the technical support of the workshop.

In the end, 24 submissions were accepted for online presentations. Two keynotes and a panel will be held on the basic issues of the workshop in the opening session.

Below is the timetable (hours referring to CEST). Abstracts can be found by clicking on the respective presentation title.

You can join the workshop online. Links to ZOOM for the opening session and to GOTOMEETING for all other sessions are provided below. Instructions for the virtual participation are provided here.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021 | Link

The Opening of the workshop includes two Keynotes:

14:00 Julian Nida-RümelinDigital Humanism

15:00 Rainer E. Zimmermann | Humanism revisited

and a Panel:
16:15 Kirsten Bock, Yagmur Denizhan, José María Díaz Nafría, Rainer RehakDigital Humanism – How to shape digitalisation in the age of global challenges? | Discussion
Moderator: Wolfgang Hofkirchner
17:45 End

Presentations will be held and discussed in thematic units of three speakers lasting one hour on the two following days:

Wednesday, 15 September 2021 | Link (

1 Futures of science and technology
Chair: Rainer Rehak
09:30 Hans-Jörg Kreowski A world worth living – Can Artificial Intelligence help to reach the goal?
09:45 Christoph Marischka Scientific nonalignment – Technology without geopolitics
10:00 Sabine Thürmel Digital games – Virtual worlds – Real impact
10:15 Discussion
10:30 Break

2 Education and development
Chair: Yurii Mielkov

11:00 Henning Lübbecke Informatics and society in German computer sciences bachelor courses
11:15 Viktor Zinchenko Digital Humanism and prospects for sustainable development of science and education
11:30 Rahel Bekele, Tesfaye Biru, Christiane Floyd The potential of ICT for development: Vision and implementation in TEMACC-Ethiopia
11.45 Discussion
12:00 Break

3 Global strategies
Chair: Kirsten Bock

12:30 Juan Mansilla Social Resilience and intergenerational learning: A way to Digital Humanism?
12:45 Peter Ludes The Belt and Road Initiative and the project of a social European Union – A quest for intergenerational media of understanding
13:00 Rocío Rueda Ortiz Education and digitalisation in the Global South: A reflection from the Colombian case
13:15 Discussion
13:30 Break

4 Evolution of technology
Chair: Yagmur Denizhan
14:00 Daniel Boyd Hybrid information systems: who is in control?
14:15 Jaime F. Cárdenas-García Info-autopoiesis and digitalisation
14:30 Howard Bloom Electronic symbiosis – Lessons from bacteria
14:45 Discussion
15:00 End

Thursday, 16 September 2021 Link (

5 Values for design
Chair: Modestos Stavrakis
09:30 Sarah Spiekermann
Gardening – A metaphor for a future with value-based engineering
09:45 Esther Görnemann, Sarah SpiekermannEmotional value landscape – A new tool to bridge emotional user experiences and value-based technology assessment
10:00 Liang WangThe virtue approach of ethical design for transcultural Artificial Intelligence systems
10:15 Discussion
10:30 Break

6 Design
Chair: José María Díaz Nafría
11:00 Katerina Malisova, Modestos Stavrakis 
Sustainable interactions as design objects that promote Digital Humanism
11:15 Christian Stary Does system-of-systems thinking work for self-governance of digitally transforming systems?
11:30 Peter Brödner Resuming experiences in human-centred design of computer-assisted knowledge work processes
11.45 Discussion
12:00 Break

7 Concepts of digitalisation
Chair: Mina Koukou
12:30 Rafal Maciag 
Digital transformation as a reconstruction of knowledge
12:45 Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum From objective reality to fake news galaxy: Narcissus Narcosis, images and imagination in contemporary global expanded reality village
13:00 Vangelis Papadimitropoulos The politics of cyber-physical commons
13:15 Discussion
13:30 Break

8 Humanism in the Anthropocene
Chair: Tomáš Sigmund
14:00 Yurii Mielkov 
Humanism in the digital age: Risks and opportunities for science and democracy
14:15 Jian Wang “Epiphylogenesis” as a possibility of temporal experience
14:30 Robert K. Logan The evolution of the Anthropocene and climate change: A media ecology approach and a call to action
14:45 Discussion
15:00 End

You can print out the timetable here.

See previous announcements here and here.


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