IDIMT 2022

The Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks this year are scheduled for 7-10 September 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic.

For more information click here.



The deadline for manuscript submission is April 11, 2022. The submission system EasyChair has been now opened and you may submit your paper by the following link: .

Submitted abstracts and manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. The accepted ones will be published in Conference proceedings, which have been indexed since 2004 in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (Web of Science, Thomson Reuters), and since 2012 also in Scopus (Elsevier).

Topics of the conference include:

  • Digital Economy and Industry 4.0
  • Innovation, New Business Models and Strategies
  • Crisis Management
  • Social Media, Privacy, Ethics
  • e-Health
  • Smart Supply Chain
  • Cyber Security
  • Corporate and ICT Performance Management
  • Digital Security, Safety, Trust of Smart 
  • Systems Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Green World
  • Challenges and Trends in Software Development
  • Virtual Collaboration & Exchange  


Update 2:

The deadline has been extended to 29 April, 2020.


Update 3:

See the call for papers here.


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