About the topicality of Ivan Illich’s conviviality

The Club of Vienna invites to an event on the thinking of Ivan Illich. Illich has become famous because of his term “conviviality” used in his 1973 book with the title “Tools for Conviviality” – a criticism of current civilisation. Mainly French intellectuals – among them our Advisory Committee Member Edgar Morin – authored in English the “Convivialist Manifesto: a declaration of interdependence” in 2014 and, as Convivialist International, the “The Second Convivialist Manifesto: towards a post-neoliberal world” in 2020 (see here and here). These two manifestos provide with ground-breaking principles and an imperative the compliance with which is required for saving our future. “Conviviality” has Latin origins and signifies the state of social/societal relations resembling dining together of hosts and guests at joint feasts.

See the programme here (in German).

The event will take place at the TU Wien on 15 September 2022, 15:00 – 18:00.

Register here.

[photo (c) Ingrid Becker-Ross-Troeller]


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