Critical Media Sociology in the 21st century
The Communication, Capitalism and Critique ESA RN-18 mid-term conference 2022 took place at the Polytechnic of Turin from 1-3 September (conference website: The event was co-organised by the European Sociological Association – Research Network 18: Sociology of Communications and Media Research. This year’s conference was in Torino, where the Italian intellectual and political activist Antonio Gramsci lived, and where he set up the weekly newspaper ‘L’Ordine Nuovo’ and acted as editor of the newspaper ‘Il Grido del Popolo’. Gramsci exerted huge influence on the study of culture and communication in society. The meeting took a particular note of this and invited papers that addressed the question: What is the relevance of Gramsci and other approaches and thinkers inspired by Marx for the study of communication and society today?

Among the abstracts you find on p. 20 that of our Member
Jaime F. Cárdenas-García | Labor Productivity: The Link Between Use-value, Value, and Information
Thomas Allmer is Coordinator of RN 18.