glossaLAB: from 2019 to 2023
The glossaLAB project was originally conceived to be supported by the Ecuadorian Santa Elena Institute of Science and Technological Development (INCYT) in cooperation with an international consortium of academic and scientific institutions in which GSIS has partaken, for a two-year term between 2019 and 2021. However, due to the global pandemic and other local financial issues, the second-year term was interrupted and further continued in 2022. In the midterm, glossaLAB proceeded under the financial support of Madrid Open University, which is one of glossaLAB’s consortium partners that has been coordinating technical efforts. This support was substantiated by two consecutive projects, and glossaLAB.2.uni, devoted to the application of glossaLAB to educational purposes while continuing glossaLAB’s general objectives. These educational projects have covered the period 2021-2022, finishing in the past December.
The currently operational glossaLAB platform (, developed under these projects, is undoubtedly the clearest example of the objectives achieved in the project, though its relative incompleteness paves the way for further developments. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the degree of difficulty in achieving the semantic interoperability of the encyclopedic corpus increased significantly when deciding on the federated architecture of subsidiary interdisciplinary-glossaries, as described in a scientific article published in 2021 by the researchers (see figure below). Although such an architecture significantly increases the scope and capacity of the platform, it hampers the codification of the encyclopedic corpus in the federated system, which will have to be undertaken in later phases. Nevertheless, as described in one of the papers published in 2021, the process of transforming the encyclopedic sources into inter-operable and transferable universal formats (LaTeX, XLM, html, etc.) has been completed.

As regards the currently active developments and programmes which continue glossaLAB endeavour and denote the fertility of the results of the previous project, it is worth highlighting
(i) the constitution of a consortium for the development of the INSIGHT project in the call for non-oriented research of the Spanish National R&D Plan, and
(ii) the holding of the International glossaLAB Workshop, held in 2022 and convened for 2023, both in Madrid and León (Spain), in which the broad problem of bringing about transdisciplinarity is discussed as well as the more specific developments on glossaLAB.
Publications directly linked to the project:
- Díaz Nafría, J.M., Burgin, M., Rodríguez-Bravo, B. (2019). Evaluation of Knowledge Integration through Knowledge Structures and Conceptual Networks. In G. Dodig-Crnkovic, M. Burgin (eds.), Philosophy and Methodology of Information, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
- Díaz Nafría, J.M., Guarda, T., Burgin, M., Hofkirchner, W., Zimmermann, R., Chroust, G., Belli, S. (2019). glossaLAB: Co-creating Interdisciplinary Knowledge. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1051: pp. 423-437,
- Burgin, M., Díaz Nafría, J.M (2019). Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knowledge Conceptualization: Conceptual Systems and Structures. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1051: pp. 469-482,
- Guarda, T., Díez-Gutiérrez, E., Díaz Nafría, J.M., Coronel, I., Augusto, M.F., Lituma, C., Quirumbay, D. (2020). Project: Integrating and Co-Creating Learning Through Interdisciplinary Glossaries. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informaçao, 220-E27: pp. 95-109
- Díaz Nafría, J.M., Muñóz-Montoro, A.J., Seoane, I., Bravo-Agapito, J., Chroust, G., Stavrakis, M., Guarda, T. (2021). Enabling the Co-creation of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Through the Reviving of Long-Term Conceptual Elucidation. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1485: pp. 18-33,
- Díaz Nafría, J.M., Cañizares-Espada, M., Seoane-Pujol, I., Monatño-Gómez, J.A., Guarda, T. (2022). Enabling Sustainable Management through Kalman Filtering in glossaLAB: a case study on Cyber-Subsidiarity. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 255: pp. 47-60, doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-4884-7_5
- Burgin, M., Díaz Nafría, J.M. (2022). Relational Structure of Conceptual Spaces. Proceedings, 81(1): 39,
[The photo above shows Santa Elena Bay at the North of the homonymous Península where the Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena is situated; the hill on the horizon is at Puntilla Cape, the westernmost point of continental Ecuador.]