It is now 89 seconds to midnight
Two years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, founded by Albert Einstein and former Manhattan Project scientists, established the Doomsday Clock. Every year since then the state of the world had been assessed. Setting the minute hand of the clock shows how much time is left to prevent the destruction of our habitable world through self-inflicted events. In 1947 the hand was set to 7 minutes before midnight.
However, it became clear that not only atomic warfare would be such a destructive event. Now a Science and Security Board reassesses besides nuclear risk also climate change, disruptive technologies and biosecurity as part of it. After the clock was set at 90 seconds for the last 2 years, it is now only 89 seconds to midnight, which is closer than ever.
This additional second shall indicate that in none of the fields have the efforts been sufficient to transform the trends. A turn for the better has become more and more urgent.
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[Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists]