We all come from Africa!
GSIS Utopia(s) Conversations on a Convivial Society for All
Who are we? A somewhat cultural and genetical attempt to cope with the polycrisis
Currently we are experiencing a polycrisis in all major fields: political, ecological, social and financial. Societies are divided by nationalism, religion and state borders.
The migration crisis and the postcolonial tendencies put us to ask: who are we? Who has a right for claims over a territory and resources?
We invite for a fascinating journey to get back to the history of mankind, the process of spreading humans over the globe, their development to find an answer how to use our evolutionary heritage to cope with the modern difficulties.
We all come from Africa! That is our slogan.
Dr. Irena Mostowicz, GSIS, Cultural Anthropologist
Xinjun Zhang, PhD, University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Human Genetics
Dr. Lumila Paula Menéndez, University of Vienna, Department of Evolutionary Biology
19 February 2025
18:00 CET
GSIS Lab: „Wolke“, Staircase C, Lift, Floor 4, to the left
„Alte WU“, Augasse 2-6
1090 Wien
Pls, register via e-mail to office@gsis.at, if you come in person.
Meeting-ID: 860 7611 1243
Kenncode: 056574
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