Iran from the “Islamic Revolution” to 7 October 2024

Utopia(s) Conversations on a Convivial Society for All

The Islamic Republic of Iran can certainly be considered a byproduct of the Cold War era.
In its short history, it has been of interest in the Middle East from the very beginning, which is why its involvement in a series of direct and indirect wars is not surprising.
The lecture explores the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s origins, including the expansion of its spheres of influence into various countries in the region, which allows to understand how various lines of conflict are politically argued.

Mag. Amin Elfeshawi, MA MA, is a political scientist and Islamic religious educator; at the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz, he researches and teaches topics including Salafism and the Middle East.

30 April 2025, 18:30 CET
GSIS Lab: 4Ithangrund – Wolke, “Alte WU”, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
(Sector C, 4th Floor, from lift turn left side)
Please register via e-mail to also for online access.

[The photo shows Khomeini’s return to Iran in 1979]

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