Researcher Shima Beigi is selected as one of the speakers at TEDWomen under this year’s theme fearless. That’s what she is happy to speak about: Fearless living for all human beings around the world. Liberation, self-actualisation, and fearlessly facing dogmas…
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The International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) founded by renowned information philosopher – the first in the West – Rafael Capurro, has found a new platform after his retirement. Jared Bielby, research associate at the University of Alberta in Edmonton,…
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The topic: Strategies for a Humanistic Digital Future On Thursday, 19 November 2020, and Friday, 20 November 2020, from 16:00 to 18:30 CET, you can join international experts and policy-makers in online discussions or watch them via YouTube LiveStream. Programme:…
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Wolfgang Hofkirchner held a lecture at the online November plenary session of the Leibniz society of scholars (Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin) on 12 November 2020. The talk was in German and so are the slides. The Information Age Imperative…
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Vangelis Papadimitropoulos who works as researcher with us published his first book. The title is The Commons: Economic Alternatives in the Digital Age. His book classifies the approaches to the commons into three categories: liberalism, reformism and anti-capitalism. After the…
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After Laudato Si’, in which Pope Francis focussed on how to deal with ecological problems, he presented recently an encyclical letter on fraternity and social friendship, addressing all “brothers and sisters” while using Francis of Assisi’s words “fratelli tutti” for…
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The second convivialist manifesto Towards a Post-Neoliberal World has recently been published in German. It is open access. An abridged English version is presented by the online journal Civic Sociology. Wolfgang Hofkirchner belongs to the signatories.
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David Braunstein, member of GSIS, writes his philosophical dissertation on the emergent system of economy in the Luhmannian sense. That conception can be understood as a criticism of the assumptions of homo economicus that is still en vogue in mainstream…
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4 to 6 September 2020, the Institut für Design Science München organised its traditional face-to-face event in Wittenberg (2018, 2019), this time without co-organisers and under the conditions of restrictions according to the COVID-19 pandemic. The GSIS Emergent Systems Group…
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On the occasion of the opening of the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbour in Xi’an jang in Xi’an, Shaanxi, five international experts were invited to present their views via online Teams connection in a Senior Forum on The…
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