Wolfgang Hofkirchner archives (page 3)

SRF 1 shows “Das Ende der Menschheit”…

… am 17. November 2024 um 10:00 Uhr. Der Film ist 3 Tage davor und 90 Tage danach in der SRF Mediathek verfügbar: https://www.srf.ch/play/tv/sternstunde-religion/video/das-ende-der-menschheit?urn=urn:srf:video:54e21b95-c755-45a2-80ee-f66d2b55dc35 The movie is broadcast with German subtitles. Visit also our introduction to the screening of the…

“Solidarity” at the University of Paderborn

Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft (KriKoWi) writes: Our last annual conference, supported by the Ludwig-Delp-Foundation, took place from 19 until 21 September 2024 at the University of Paderborn, Germany. The topic: Solidarity. Here you find more information about it. Visit the site to screen the abstracts here.…

Homo destructor – Zerstört der Mensch immer und überall seine Umwelt?

GSIS Utopia(s) Conversations on a Sustainable Planet in co-operation with the Club of Vienna We invite you to the following lecture and discussion (in German): Werner Bätzing: Homo destructor – Zerstört der Mensch immer und überall seine Umwelt? Hier die…

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