… am 17. November 2024 um 10:00 Uhr. Der Film ist 3 Tage davor und 90 Tage danach in der SRF Mediathek verfügbar: https://www.srf.ch/play/tv/sternstunde-religion/video/das-ende-der-menschheit?urn=urn:srf:video:54e21b95-c755-45a2-80ee-f66d2b55dc35 The movie is broadcast with German subtitles. Visit also our introduction to the screening of the…
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The Austrian journal Sozialwissenschaftliche Rundschau has just published a focus issue on the topic of Utopias. It brings together six articles, two of which are written by participants in the GSIS Utopia(s) Reloaded talks a year ago in Vienna…
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Antje Daniels Institut für Internationale Entwicklung der Universität Wien und Fridays for Future Wien waren Partner unserer “Utopia(s) Reloaded” Gespräche letzten Oktober.
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Frank Adloff from the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Future of Sustainability” at the University of Hamburg is currently Fellow at the Environment and Climate Research Hub at the University of Vienna. You have now the opportunity to take part…
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Siehe auch: https://gsis.at/2024/09/16/homo-destructor/
Continue reading the "Menschliche Natur- und Raumveränderungen vom Beginn der Geschichte bis heute" »
Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft (KriKoWi) writes: Our last annual conference, supported by the Ludwig-Delp-Foundation, took place from 19 until 21 September 2024 at the University of Paderborn, Germany. The topic: Solidarity. Here you find more information about it. Visit the site to screen the abstracts here.…
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Edgar Morin, Member of our Advisory Committee, published on 30 January 2024 an article* using the title of a book of Victor Serge that was published in 1939 when Hitler’s war was starting. This book described the midnight of the…
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Hendrik Theine and Sebastian Sevignani published a special issue of the European Journal of Communication (EJC) under that title. They write in the introduction: The special issue is part of a revived interest in property in the social sciences and…
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GSIS Utopia(s) Conversations on a Sustainable Planet in co-operation with the Club of Vienna We invite you to the following lecture and discussion (in German): Werner Bätzing: Homo destructor – Zerstört der Mensch immer und überall seine Umwelt? Hier die…
Continue reading the "Homo destructor – Zerstört der Mensch immer und überall seine Umwelt?" »
Hannes Werthner, the initiator of the Digital Humanism Initiative, invites to a panel discussion reflecting on the accomplishments and the future of the Digital Humanism Initiative. He writes: In 2019, TU Wien Informatics invited over 100 international scholars from a…
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