This is the German version of Fuchs, Christian. 2022. Digital Humanism. A Philosophy for 21st Century Digital Society. SocietyNow Series. Bingley: Emerald. Its subtitle is “Eine Philosophie für die digitale Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts“, whereas the title prefixes the adjective “radikal” to…
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Reminder of the upcoming 5th annual conference of Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft, 19-21 September 2024, University of Paderborn, Germany: The detailed programme is ready, you can find it here. Our Members Marisol Sandoval, Thomas Allmer, Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani, and our…
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In an “ever-changing world”, thinkers are required to generate new visions embracing all “all aspects of the lifeworld – economics, socio- politics, culture, ecology, science and technology, etc.”. This is the thematic description of a pre-conference that was called for…
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When Pope Francis attended the G7 summit last month, he addressed the assembled country leaders with a speech on Artificial Intelligence, titled “An exciting and fearsome tool”, “concerning the effects of artificial intelligence on the future of humanity” as he…
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Our Member Jaime F. Cárdenas-García from USA wrote a probe for the Journal New Explorations: Studies in Culture & Communication which was recently accepted for print. This probe promotes the idea of a “syntactic touch” when exploring the origin of…
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In connection with the topic of our upcoming Utopia(s) Conversations on the film “End of Humanity” in a fortnight, two recent publications co-authored by our Member Yurii Mielkov from Ukraine shall be mentioned here. Abstract:The paper is dedicated to the…
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GSIS Co-Director Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger received the 1st Prize of the Best Poster Award at this year’s Linnæus University‘s international conference on Quantum Information and Probability: from foundations to engineering (QIP24) in Växjö (Sweden). Her topic was dedicated to the memory…
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Vangelis Papadomitropoulos held last semester two courses at Panteion University, Athens, Greece, on contemporary political philosophy: – Contemporary political theories (liberalism, Marxism, post-Marxism, post-Structuralism, the Commons)– Theories and concepts of freedom (negative and positive freedom, republican and agonistic freedom) He…
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Vangelis Papadimitropoulos co-authors with his colleague Giannis Perperides at Panteion University in Athens an open access article on the model of open cooperativism as a counter-hegemonic project to neoliberalism. Using the example of basic income, he continues his studies on…
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Our researcher Annette Schlemm published an article on “Der statistische Gesetzesbegriff in der Entwicklungstheorie” (The concept of statistical law in the theory of development). In the abstract she says: I would like to express my appreciation of the statistical law…
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