Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation Date: 26-28 October 2023 Venue: 4lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien Organisation GSIS in co-operation with partners:Club of ViennaDegrowth ViennaDFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe “Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit”, Universität Hamburg (DFG-KFG)Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF)Fridays for Future…
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During our three-days event, the artist duo Pauseroni – they are Members of GSIS – took film footage. They did interviews and they made an event video. The event video is finished. It is 5 minutes long. Have a look…
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Hannes Werthner from the Digital Humanism Initiative writes: […] the long-discussed EU AI Act to regulate Artificial Intelligence using a risk-based approach is currently in the so-called trilogue process between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the 27 Member…
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Christian Fuchs hat ein Lehrbuch auf Deutsch verfasst. He wrote a textbook in English: Christian Fuchs. 2023. Grundlagen der Medienökonomie: Medien, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. München: UVK/utbChristian Fuchs. 2024. Media, Economy and Society: A Critical Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge. Das Buch führt…
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Hans-Jörg Kreowski, professor at the faculty of mathematics and computer science of Universität Bremen, co-head of the GSIS Emergent Systems group, concluded the farewell session with a poem, made up of words that he collected at the three days event:…
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Almost a hundred people registered for participation in the Talks for a common future, an event organised by GSIS with the help of 14 networks and organisations under the title Utopia(s) reloaded: Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation. The purpose…
Continue reading the "The way to Utopia(s) reloaded" »
The proceedings of the 2022 conference of the Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft on Property, Media, and the Public Sphere, hosted by GSIS, have been published now with Westend Academics. The book is co-edited by Hendrik Theine, also researcher at GSIS, and…
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The purpose of the talks about “Utopia(s) reloaded: Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation” we are preparing for 26-28 October 2023 is to raise awareness of the scientific basis on which action can be effective in overcoming the current polycrisis.…
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The purpose of the talks about “Utopia(s) reloaded: Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation” we are preparing for 26-28 October 2023 is to raise awareness of the scientific basis on which action can be effective in overcoming the current polycrisis.…
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The programme for our talks about the future of humanity has been finalised:“Utopia(s) reloaded: Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation”26-28 October 20234lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien See the programme here. Since the entry and feeding is free and the locations…
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