Tag Archives: convivialism

Artificial Intelligence: The End of Humanity?

GSIS Utopia(s) Conversations on Meaningful Technology & a Convivial Society for All GSIS is organising a series of conversations in various formats that tie in with the themes of our Utopia(s) Reloaded Talks in October 2023. Our Utopia(s) Conversations will…

“Utopia(s) reloaded” talks V: Summary

Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation Date: 26-28 October 2023 Venue: 4lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien Organisation GSIS in co-operation with partners:Club of ViennaDegrowth ViennaDFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe “Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit”, Universität Hamburg (DFG-KFG)Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF)Fridays for Future…

Utopia(s) reloaded: science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation. A GSIS call for talks

Before the turn of the millennium, French philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin drew attention to the “Homeland Earth” of a common humanity.[i] However, such ideas no longer seem to play a major role in the new millennium, while a multiple…

Critique of public discourse and the meaning of life in the universe

These two topics were dealt with at the regular autumn meeting of the Institut für Design Science München in Wittenberg. This fifth meeting took place from 9 to 11 September 2022. Though, at a first glance, these topics (see programme)…

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