Rainer E. Zimmermann President of the Leibniz Society of Scholars

On 4 July 2019, Rainer E. Zimmermann took over the Presidency of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V. (LS) (in the photo on the right: Honorary President Herbert Hörz). Zimmermann was elected President by the Plenum of the LS on 11 April 2019. Immediate past President is Gerhard Banse.

The LS, originally re-founded by former Members of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic, counts now more than 300 Members from East and West. Zimmermann is the first President from the West.

Zimmermann is a long-time Member of the UTI Group, founding Head of the Emergent Systems Group and he joined this year the Advisory Committee of The Institute.

We congratulate him heartily to his new function.

See here his first interview for a German newspaper.


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