Forthcoming lectures of the ASPR International Civilian Peacebuilding Training Programme (IPT) dedicated to “Homeland Earth”

This is an invitation to join lectures of the IPT. The IPT team writes:

This year’s IPT Online Lecture Series is part of the ASPR’s campaign on “Homeland Earth – Terre Patrie”, where we engage with the polcy-crises humanity encounters in our times, and explore potential ways forward. Throughout the lectures we circle in on different aspects of thsoe poly-crises, their interdependence and multi-facetted impacts. Lecturers will also share certain approaches or pathways towards navigating complexity and re-imagine belonging to move towards a more peaceful and just world. 

Therefore, please join us for one or more of the upcoming lectures:

Engaging with Complexity through Intersectionality: The Gendered Power of Public Spaces

Dr Gal Harmat 

TU, 08 June 2021, 2-3 pm CET

Please kindly register the latest one day prior to the lecture via this link!

Grassroots Innovation towards Planetary Justice. The Parts that reflect the Whole?

Dr Yulia Sugandi 

WE, 16 June 2021, 11 am-12 pm CET

Please kindly register the latest one day prior to the lecture via this link!

Peace Ecologies: towards inclusive and sustainable Peace in the 21st Century

Dr Siad Darwish

TU, 22 June 2021, 11 am-12 pm CET

Please kindly register the latest one day prior to the lecture via this link!

Our Planetary Belonging: The Engima of ‘Small Local Differences’ within Humanity

Dr Heikki Patomäki

TU, 29 June 2021, 3-4 pm CET

Please kindly register the latest one day prior to the lecture via this link!

PS: In case you have missed Dr Annick de Witt’s lecture, you will be able to access all recordings from July onwards via the ASPR-website and Youtube-Channel!


Click here to view the lectures!


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