The quest for a new paradigm in studies of information

The IS4SI (International Society for the Study of Information) Summit 2023 calls for a paradigm shift in the field of information. The most used paradigm so far is borrowed from physics, criticises Chinese scholar Yixin Zhong from the AI School of the Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications. Together with Pedro Marijuan from Spain who is known for the Foundations of Information Science (FIS) academic group that has been active since the early 90s of the last century, Zhong chairs the upcoming summit in Beijing. The overall topic of the summit is to find a paradigm that is appropriate to the transdisciplinary nature of the information discipline.

Zhong and Marijuan form the current presidential team of the IS4SI. In Beijing, the presidency will be taken over by GSIS Chief Information Scientist Mark Burgin (USA) and Gustavo Saldanha (Brasil).

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