Utopias as approached by science

The Austrian journal Sozialwissenschaftliche Rundschau has just published a focus issue on the topic of Utopias.  

It brings together six articles, two of which are written by participants in the GSIS Utopia(s) Reloaded talks a year ago in Vienna (Antje Daniel and Wolfgang Hofkirchner). These two complement each other and frame the focus as the first and last contributions. They are in German, abstracts in English are available. The English title of Daniel’s contribution is: Utopia is Alive! Broadening of Contemporary Sociological Diagnosis and Social Theory, Hofkirchner’s is: Conviviality as Utopia for a Common Humanity.

Both articles call for sociology (and the social sciences in general) to develop further. The first article is a plea for a broader approach, the second calls for the inclusion of convivialist thinking.

The constitution of contemporary societies and the polycrisis of the entire world need a new understanding of utopia that provides a scientifically based normative orientation to ensure the further evolution of humanity.

Look into the issue here.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner | Konvivialität als Utopie für eine gemeinsame Menschheit | pdf


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