Our project glossaLAB organises an international workshop in Spain, 23-31 May 2022. See the programme here. Besides the project leaders Teresa Guarda and José María Díaz Nafría, our Members Tomáš Sigmund and Modestos Stavrakis are planned with several inputs. Sigmund…
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It is clear that systems sciences are expected to come up with analyses and recommendations how to solve the crisis in the implementation of an inclusive security architecture for Europe and the world. Francisco Parra-Luna, sociologist and systems thinker, co-ordinated…
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This book tries to flesh out the second convivialist manifesto of the year 2020 and to imagine a post-neoliberal and post-growth future – “one that is attractive to an Italian worker, a Spanish peasant, a farmer in Senegal, an inhabitant…
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The proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Information Summit in 2021 are available open access. Read the editorial by Marcin J. Schroeder and Mark Burgin. Browse the contributions to APC Philosophy and Computing DIGHUM Workshop on Digital…
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This conference for digitalisation and sustainability is the second one after 2018. It will take place this year from 30 September to 2 October in Berlin. 2,000 people are expected to participate. On panels, in workshops and open spaces, among…
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Our befriended organisation Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIfF) issued its quarterly FIfF-Kommunikation 1, 2022 (March). The title refers to the FIfF-Konferenz 2021.
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The Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie, Leipzig, invites to a podium with Sebastian Sevignani on 31 March 2022, 18:00. They write: Die algorithmische Zukunft der Medien – Wie digitale Medien und Algorithmen die Öffentlichkeit neu gestaltenIn dieser Podiumsdiskussion wollen wir der Frage…
Continue reading the "The algorithmic future of media: how digital media and algorithms reshape the public space" »
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is, in Austria, mirrored by the Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). The APCC gathers renowned experts from the Austrian climate research community who compile the state of research on climate change prevention…
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This fourth volume in Christian Fuchs’s Media, Communication and Society book series outlines the theoretical foundations of digital fascism and presents case studies of how fascism is communicated online. Each chapter focuses on a particular dimension of digital fascism or a…
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The conference of KriKoWi which was postponed to this year opens its registration. Participation is restricted. Registration deadline is 15 April.
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