This was the title of two courses for bachelor studies in informatics at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems, Austria, held by Wolfgang Hofkirchner during summer semester 2021. Find here the presentation slides: Reflections on computer science I…
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Edgar Morin is an exceptional person who celebrates today, on 8 July 2021, his 100th (!) birthday. He is a philosopher and sociologist, well-known for his insights into complexity and his political ideas in France and in Latin America, but…
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The iASK (Institute of Advanced Studies Köszeg) has become active partner of the campaign for raising planetary awareness (click on the picture above featuring the iASK weekly newsletter). One year ago, Wolfgang Hofkirchner had been invited to the iASK to…
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This is an invitation to join lectures of the IPT. The IPT team writes: This year’s IPT Online Lecture Series is part of the ASPR’s campaign on “Homeland Earth – Terre Patrie”, where we engage with the polcy-crises humanity encounters in…
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This online event launches “The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto”. The Internet and the media landscape are broken. The dominant commercial Internet platforms endanger democracy. The Manifesto stresses the importance of public service media and the creation…
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The 37th Summer Academy of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution will be held online from 1 to 4 September. It is devoted to be part of the international “Homeland Earth” campaign for planetary awareness. The language…
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The conference chair, Marja Nesterova, invited Werner Wintersteiner to speak about “Homeland Earth” – the idea, the book of Edgar Morin, and the campaign for planetary solidarity. The conference was about EU values, inclusion, and sustainable development and their relationship…
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Werner Wintersteiner, peace researcher and peace educator, Austria, and Alfredo Pena-Vega, sociologist, Scientific Director of the Global Youth Climate Pact, France, wrote a letter to be published besides English, in French, Spanish, Portuguese and German to ignite a discussion among…
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The deadline for some abstract submissions to conferences, workshops or other events at the IS4SI Summit 12-19 September 2021 has been extended to 15 June 2021. This holds for our workshop on Digital Humanism – How to shape digitalisation in…
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Our befriended Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FifF) criticises the German government for blocking the progress of worldwide vaccination against COVID-19. They demand from the EU Commission to support the TRIPS waiver for COVID-19 vaccine patents. See…
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