We invite to a Zoom webinar on Monday, 10 May, 16:00 CEST. Located on the intersection of capitalist dynamics and public responsibility, Livia Regen’s thesis shines light on how selected cases of media companies in the landscape of the international…
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IDIMT will take place this year 1-3 September in Kutná Hora (Czech Republic), organised by the University of Economics in Prague and the J. Kepler University of Linz. The deadline of paper proposals has been extended to 25 April. Read…
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Today, the crowdfunding campaign for the documentary “Lernen lernen” made by GSIS Researcher Sophie Huber-Lachner was started. See here. Read more about her project on our project site. Read the article of Bernadette Bayrhammer Filmemacherin Sophie Huber-Lachner: “Soll kein Anti-Schul-Film…
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The new issue of the peer-reviewed, open-access Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice, published with oekom by the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, is on “Climate-Neutral and…
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According to Peter Fleissner‘s model calculations of the epidemic in Austria, the start of a third wave can be seen (Before a third wave?). He describes the figure above as follows: So far, vaccination helps to dampen the exponential increase…
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On Monday, 15 March 2021, a press conference ushered in the awareness raising campaign for planetary solidarity, named after Edgar Morin‘s “Homeland Earth”. It was held by Gudrun Kramer, Director of the ASPR. She was supported by Werner Wintersteiner, retired…
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Some time ago we announced the plans for a worldwide campaign to promote planetary awareness, supported by GSIS. Today, you can watch here Edgar Morin‘s appeal for the campaign (video). You can also read the Appeal for the Campaign in…
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie and Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie will hold a common congress at the WU Vienna on Post Corona Society, 23-25 August 2021 (online/hybrid). Sebastian Sevignani and Martin Seeliger will organise an ad-hoc group on the digital, structural…
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Philosopher Günther Witzany was recently interviewed by Salzburger Nachrichten. He is an expert as to the place of viruses on Earth and he was asked also about COVID-19. This crisis – so Witzany – reminds mankind of taking an ecological…
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Based upon a project on Society After Money – A Simulation, funded by Volkswagen Foundation, the interdisciplinary research group will hold an online workshop on “envisioning post-capitalist societies via simulation“. The workshop will be held on 18-19 February, 2021, and…
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