IDIMT 2020 – A mixed reality conference and mixed feelings

Information Management and Interdisciplinarity are two foundations of our modern society. The Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and as a consequence, academic institutions initialized cooperation between Austria and the Czech Republic. In 1992 an agreement on a cooperation between the…

Regaining realism for human-centred ICT development and design

Christian Stary and Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski published an article in Leibniz Online 41 (2020) in which they argue for a new, constructive realism without which human-centred design of IT is not feasible. They write: It seems to be particularly important in…

Digital Humanism – How to shape digitalisation in the age of global challenges?

Under this very title, our Emergent Systems Group calls for papers to be presented at an online workshop at the online International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) 2021 Summit that will be held 12-19 September 2021. The link…

Transhumanism: The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea?

The book project with that title ended, eventually, in the book release. Wolfgang Hofkirchner and Hans-Jörg Kreowski edited this volume. It contains 15 chapters organised into four parts concerning philosophical, military, technological and sociological aspects of transhumanism. The project was…

The digital workplace – nucleus of transformation

The S-BPM ONE 2020, the 12th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management, originally planned at BIBA Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics, Bremen, Germany, took place from December 2–3, 2020 in an online format. Accordingly, emergence became evident throughout preparation leading to the novel format of…

Campaign “Terre-Patrie” – Edgar Morin’s theses revisited in 2021 to relate to the agenda of peace in the “Anthropocene”

GSIS joins as partner the new campaign of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR). This campaign will recall the theses Edgar Morin formulated in the 1990s for the new millennium and will culminate in next year’s…

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