This manifesto (launched by an online event) is now available in several languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German. You can sign here. See the full list of the signatories here (at the end of the english version). Today, 880 signatories are…
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Edgar Morin‘s most recent article shows, in a nutshell, his convincing view of the human condition and its current scientific-technological-economic development. Click here to get to the newspaper’s site (article in German). Marc Humbert and Frank Adloff from the Convivialist…
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Gerhard Chroust is Professor emeritus at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. He belongs to the first people in Austria that have been educated in informatics (as different from computer science in the wake of the influential Austrian pioneer Heinz Zemanek).…
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Edgar Morin is an exceptional person who celebrates today, on 8 July 2021, his 100th (!) birthday. He is a philosopher and sociologist, well-known for his insights into complexity and his political ideas in France and in Latin America, but…
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The iASK (Institute of Advanced Studies Köszeg) has become active partner of the campaign for raising planetary awareness (click on the picture above featuring the iASK weekly newsletter). One year ago, Wolfgang Hofkirchner had been invited to the iASK to…
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The conference chair, Marja Nesterova, invited Werner Wintersteiner to speak about “Homeland Earth” – the idea, the book of Edgar Morin, and the campaign for planetary solidarity. The conference was about EU values, inclusion, and sustainable development and their relationship…
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Within the framework of the European project INCLUE, devoted to the “Building of an Inclusive and democratic Europe against the rise of fascism and xenophobia”, GSIS took part in the organisation of a session focused on the role of information…
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Werner Wintersteiner, peace researcher and peace educator, Austria, and Alfredo Pena-Vega, sociologist, Scientific Director of the Global Youth Climate Pact, France, wrote a letter to be published besides English, in French, Spanish, Portuguese and German to ignite a discussion among…
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Our befriended Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FifF) criticises the German government for blocking the progress of worldwide vaccination against COVID-19. They demand from the EU Commission to support the TRIPS waiver for COVID-19 vaccine patents. See…
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Morin expert Werner Wintersteiner, retired University Professor at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, working in Peace Pedagogy and Global Citizenship Education, Affiliate of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution and active in the campaign “Homeland Earth”, published recently a…
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