Category Archives: Publication (page 5)

Regaining realism for human-centred ICT development and design

Christian Stary and Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski published an article in Leibniz Online 41 (2020) in which they argue for a new, constructive realism without which human-centred design of IT is not feasible. They write: It seems to be particularly important in…

Transhumanism: The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea?

The book project with that title ended, eventually, in the book release. Wolfgang Hofkirchner and Hans-Jörg Kreowski edited this volume. It contains 15 chapters organised into four parts concerning philosophical, military, technological and sociological aspects of transhumanism. The project was…

Evolutionary dynamics of social systems – looking for a new dialogue

Under that title, a special issue of the journal Biosystems was released recently. More than twenty contributions have been edited by Pedro C. Marijuán, Bioinformation and Systems Biology Group at the Aragon Health Sciences Institute in Zaragoza, Spain, and Andrei…

The International Review of Information Ethics migrated to Alberta

The International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) founded by renowned information philosopher – the first in the West – Rafael Capurro, has found a new platform after his retirement. Jared Bielby, research associate at the University of Alberta in Edmonton,…

A paradigm shift for the Great Bifurcation

The evolution of humanity faces a Great Bifurcation: either a breakthrough to a regime of global governance in which the self-made global challenges in the social, ecological and technological realm can be kept under control or a breakdown threatening with…

Proceedings of the IS4SI Summit Berkeley 2019 on Artificial Intelligence out now

Mark Burgin, GSIS Chief Information Scientist, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Member of the Emergent Systems Group, and Marcin Schroeder, President of the International Society for Information Studies (IS4SI), published the proceedings of the IS4SI Berkeley Summit on AI in 2019. They collected…

After the pandemic: Let’s unlock consciences to rethink the world!

The journal Acta Europeana Systemica (AES) calls for contributions. Under the title Unlock Consciences: Rethinking the World after the Pandemic, the call states: The Covid-19 pandemic calls the functioning of our eco-social systems into question in all their aspects (management of social…

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