The Logic of the Third: A Paradigm Shift to a Shared Future for Humanity

The book is out. Find it here. Let me announce it:

I finished the manuscript of my book before the new cold war turned hot, pushing humanity to the brink of a World War III. The heating of the planet, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine follow one and the same pattern – a pattern typical of complex systems: tipping points, when crossed, irrevocably change the course of further development. The tipping points mentioned are disastrous. They threaten with exterminism, the self-inflicted annihilation of humanity. Because, at the level of interdependence achieved among human agents as well as between them and the biosphere and with the entire planet at all, actions have become dysfunctional for mutually sustaining the required synergy and cause instead external effects detrimental to each other. In times of such developmental crises, complex systems explore tipping points that lead them to ways out. The only functional solution is to respond by letting the affected systems integrate into a common system of a higher order. This is what I call the Third. Humanity can overcome the crisis of social evolution if it understands that it has become a community of destiny and that it must act accordingly for the sake of the whole to act for the sake of any part and not for the sake of a part in disregard of the whole. A Third of relations must be established that organise social systems into a socially, environmentally and technologically compatible entity at an all-encompassing supra-level. The present crisis manifestations might then turn out to be the birth pangs of this new entity.

The book is a concise methodology for a transformation science understanding the current historical moment as a great bifurcation open to a breakthrough to another qualitative leap in human development or a breakdown of humanity. It resumes the philosophical, system theoretical and science of information tenets of my book Emergent Information: A Unified Theory of Information Framework to extend and deepen this transdisciplinary framework by including social sciences and technology in the perspective of a critical theory.


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