Wolfgang Hofkirchner archives (page 10)

The algorithmic future of media: how digital media and algorithms reshape the public space

The Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie, Leipzig, invites to a podium with Sebastian Sevignani on 31 March 2022, 18:00. They write: Die algorithmische Zukunft der Medien – Wie digitale Medien und Algorithmen die Öffentlichkeit neu gestaltenIn dieser Podiumsdiskussion wollen wir der Frage…

Cyberscience – the information revolution in science and technology

The Emergent Systems, Information and Society Research Group, which is at the same time a Working Group at the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (LS), held a conference on digital media and the future culture of scientific work. The conference…

Communication, Capitalism and Critique: Critical Media Sociology in the 21st Century

The European Sociological Association (ESA) – Research Network 18: Sociology of Communications and Media Research announces its mid-term conference 2022 at the Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, 1-3 September 2022, in co-operation with the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies…

“Intelligence as a Border Activity Between the Modelled and the Unmodelled”

That’s the title of a talk Yagmur Denizhan, Professor at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and Head of the Graduate Program in Systems and Control Engineering of Bogazici University, Turkey, will give at an online event, 10 February 2022,…

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