David Braunstein, member of GSIS, writes his philosophical dissertation on the emergent system of economy in the Luhmannian sense. That conception can be understood as a criticism of the assumptions of homo economicus that is still en vogue in mainstream…
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4 to 6 September 2020, the Institut für Design Science München organised its traditional face-to-face event in Wittenberg (2018, 2019), this time without co-organisers and under the conditions of restrictions according to the COVID-19 pandemic. The GSIS Emergent Systems Group…
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On the occasion of the opening of the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbour in Xi’an jang in Xi’an, Shaanxi, five international experts were invited to present their views via online Teams connection in a Senior Forum on The…
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Irena Mostowicz gave on 28 August 2020 a public talk on the significance of the Russian dacha. She is GSIS Member and researcher at the Institute. In times of the current pandemic, humanity faces many challenges. A healthy lifestyle, decent…
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That’s the title of a talk to be given in the framework of the DigHum (Digital Humanism) Lectures organised by TU Wien. Invited is this time Stuart Russel from UC Berkeley. The event will be moderated by Helga Nowotny. I…
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Our member, Peter Fleissner, who worked on simulation models on the current endemic in European countries and runs currently a blog with daily updates of the situation in Austria, will hold a webinar on the pandemic. The webinar will be…
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This is lifeWhat a fucked up thing we doWhat a nightmare come trueOr a playground if we chooseAnd I choose I Choose, The Offspring This is the motto of a dissertation thesis written by Evo Busseniers for the Doctor of…
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Mario Augusto Bunge passed away. He died on 24 February 2020 at an age of 100 years old. He was born in Buenos Aires, studied physics at the National University of La Plata, became Professor for Theoretical Physics in La…
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On 11 February 2020, the iASK (Institute for Advanced Studies Köszeg) Research Group Human 2.0 invited to its second workshop in Köszeg, Hungary. Guest and keynote speaker was Wolfgang Hofkirchner. He was invited to give a talk on the concept…
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On 13 December 2019, the Emergent Systems Group organised as Arbeitskreis of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (LS) – in co-operation with the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW – University of Applied Sciences) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für…
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