Category Archives: Meeting (page 4)

Institut für Design Science autumn conference

The Institut für Design Science München invited the fourth time to the annual conference at Leucorea in Wittenberg, Germany, featuring affiliates of GSIS. The core theme was, as always, on structural transformation and public discourse and reflected ongoing research and…

Peace policy in the anthropocene: Homeland Earth

The 37th Summer Academy of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) took place online from 1 to 4 September 2021. GSIS was co-operation partner, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, together with Werner Wintersteiner, provided scientific support. The academy counted…

Digital, structural transformation of the public sphere

In the framework of the joint Congress of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie and Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie at the WU Vienna on Post Corona Society, 23-25 August 2021 (online/hybrid), Sebastian Sevignani and Martin Seeliger organised an ad-hoc group on the digital, structural transformation of the…

Critique, utopia and simulation – Invitation to an online workshop

Based upon a project on Society After Money – A Simulation, funded by Volkswagen Foundation, the interdisciplinary research group will hold an online workshop on “envisioning post-capitalist societies via simulation“. The workshop will be held on 18-19 February, 2021, and…

IDIMT 2020 – A mixed reality conference and mixed feelings

Information Management and Interdisciplinarity are two foundations of our modern society. The Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and as a consequence, academic institutions initialized cooperation between Austria and the Czech Republic. In 1992 an agreement on a cooperation between the…

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