Under this title, some 160 people gathered on 19 June 2022 in Vienna for a peace conference that was convoked to accompany the TPNW (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons) activities at the UN (see the announcement here). Spiritus…
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On 19 June 2022, a peace event will accompany the 1st UN Conference of the Partner States of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Vienna. This event is organised by the International Peace Bureau (IPB), the Aktionsbündnis…
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Our project glossaLAB organises an international workshop in Spain, 23-31 May 2022. See the programme here. Besides the project leaders Teresa Guarda and José María Díaz Nafría, our Members Tomáš Sigmund and Modestos Stavrakis are planned with several inputs. Sigmund…
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is, in Austria, mirrored by the Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). The APCC gathers renowned experts from the Austrian climate research community who compile the state of research on climate change prevention…
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Rebecca and Tahzara have dropped out of school – and they still want to make something of their life. Luka has always been an excellent student, but she wants to learn differently. What they have in common: deregistered from school…
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The Institut für Design Science München invited the fourth time to the annual conference at Leucorea in Wittenberg, Germany, featuring affiliates of GSIS. The core theme was, as always, on structural transformation and public discourse and reflected ongoing research and…
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The film project “Heimatland Erde” is on the way. Sophie Huber-Lachner visited researcher Francesca Fragkoudi for an interview. Fragkoudi studied Physics and Astrophysics & Cosmology in Barcelona and obtained her PhD at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille. She was Postdoctoral Fellow…
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Rainer E. Zimmermann guest-edited a special issue of philosophies. He writes: For more than a century, the idea that the universe is lavishly filled with a multitude of living structures was a straightforward theoretical consequence of the Cosmological Principle within…
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This was the title of two courses for bachelor studies in informatics at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems, Austria, held by Wolfgang Hofkirchner during summer semester 2021. Find here the presentation slides: Reflections on computer science I…
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Today, the crowdfunding campaign for the documentary “Lernen lernen” made by GSIS Researcher Sophie Huber-Lachner was started. See here. Read more about her project on our project site. Read the article of Bernadette Bayrhammer Filmemacherin Sophie Huber-Lachner: “Soll kein Anti-Schul-Film…
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