Category Archives: Project (page 4)

Together for peace, environment and climate protection – abolish nuclear weapons

Under this title, some 160 people gathered on 19 June 2022 in Vienna for a peace conference that was convoked to accompany the TPNW (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons) activities at the UN (see the announcement here). Spiritus…

Institut für Design Science autumn conference

The Institut für Design Science München invited the fourth time to the annual conference at Leucorea in Wittenberg, Germany, featuring affiliates of GSIS. The core theme was, as always, on structural transformation and public discourse and reflected ongoing research and…

The meaning of life in the universe

Rainer E. Zimmermann guest-edited a special issue of philosophies. He writes: For more than a century, the idea that the universe is lavishly filled with a multitude of living structures was a straightforward theoretical consequence of the Cosmological Principle within…

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