Long time ago, later GSIS Members started to promote the endeavour to integrate knowledge in the field of the general study of information and systems as a basis for the constitution of a truly global and sustainable information society. As…
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Klaus Kornwachs was invited by the Club of Vienna to hold a lecture. Around fifty people attended on 11 December 2018 his talk on Kritik der Autonomie – Warum Maschinen nicht eigenständig agieren sollten (Critique of autonomy – why machines…
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On 10 December 2018 Klaus Kornwachs was guest in the fall lecture series Aspects of the Digital Transformation, organised by the Center for Informatics and Society (C!S) of the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology. The title of the lecture…
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On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Institut für Design Science München, Rainer E. Zimmermann invited to a continuation of the Berlin meeting a year before (see here). The event took place 5-7 October 2018 at the Leucorea,…
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On 5 July 2018, Robert K. Logan, Prof. Emeritus, Physics, University of Toronto, was invited by the UTI Research Group to give a talk on What is the Origin of Systems Thinking and Who Were the First Systems Thinkers. This…
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During a short summer stay of Robert K. Logan at the UTI Research Group in Vienna in 2018, talks were held between him and Sabine Köszegi from the Institute of Management Science, TU Wien, on AI and robots. Logan has…
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20-21 May 2017 took place at the University of Westminster, hosted by the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies. Christian Fuchs was Conference Co-Convenor and Chair. The symposium invited ten speakers, among them Antonio Negri. It was supported by the journal tripleC.…
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3-7 June 2015 the fifth conference of the ICTs-and-Society Network took place as part of the International Society for Information Studies (since 2017 International Society for the Study of Information) Summit Vienna 2015, chaired by Wolfgang Hofkirchner who was its…
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From 2010 to 2014, the UTI Research Group carried out a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund. Co-ordinator was Christian Fuchs, Professor at the University of Westminster (second from the left). Co-worker were (from the right) PhD students Thomas…
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2-4 May 2012 the fourth conference of the ICTs-and-Society Network was held with the support of the Swedish Research Council at Uppsala University, organised by Christian Fuchs, then Professor at Uppsala University, and Marisol Sandoval (see photo above), both Board…
Continue reading the "Critique, Democracy, and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society. Towards Critical Theories of Social Media. The Fourth ICTs and Society-Conference." »