A call to action putting the COVID 19 pandemic into the context of sociogenic imbalances with nature, heralded by the Club of Rome. Read here! [Picture: The Club of Rome]
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Our member, social scientist Peter Fleissner, retired professor at the TU Wien, simulates the development of the COVID 19 endemic in Austria. He writes: Here you find the results of a simple simulation model of the COVID 19 epidemic in…
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Evo Busseniers whom we wanted to welcome in Vienna for giving a talk on “How to stop the emergence of hierarchy?” had to change his plans and provided an online workshop on 27 March 2020 at 20:00. Here are slides…
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This is lifeWhat a fucked up thing we doWhat a nightmare come trueOr a playground if we chooseAnd I choose I Choose, The Offspring This is the motto of a dissertation thesis written by Evo Busseniers for the Doctor of…
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Mario Augusto Bunge passed away. He died on 24 February 2020 at an age of 100 years old. He was born in Buenos Aires, studied physics at the National University of La Plata, became Professor for Theoretical Physics in La…
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On 11 February 2020, the iASK (Institute for Advanced Studies Köszeg) Research Group Human 2.0 invited to its second workshop in Köszeg, Hungary. Guest and keynote speaker was Wolfgang Hofkirchner. He was invited to give a talk on the concept…
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After the Convivialist Manifesto of the year 2013, a second version is published now. Building upon the first manifesto, an initiative of mostly French intellectuals, the second manifesto was drafted by Alain Caillé, professor emeritus of sociology, and after international…
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Under this motto the Fourth European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS) will take place 7-8 May 2020 in Vienna. It is organised by the Media Governance and Industries Research Lab & Jean Monnet Centre of…
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On 13 December 2019, the Emergent Systems Group organised as Arbeitskreis of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (LS) – in co-operation with the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW – University of Applied Sciences) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für…
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This work concentrates on the emergence of ‘governance from below’ (civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, self-organised networks, social movements) in Europe during the crisis. In particular, it investigates how social movements utilise the Internet in order to represent themselves as…
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