The research paper Social relations: building on Ludwig von Bertalanffy, just published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science, gives an impression of how the General System Theory intended by Bertalanffy can be interpreted in a realist and critical sociological perspective.…
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The International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) Summit will be held at the University of California, Berkeley, 2 – 6 June 2019, under that title. Current President is Terrence W. Deacon, Professor at Anthropology, UC Berkeley. Read here…
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Joon Kim, Professor at Seoul National University (SNU) (see photo left), and his wife Haeok Lee, psychologist (see photo right), met with Wolfgang Hofkirchner in Vienna on 8 April 2019. Kim and Lee translated Hofkirchner’s book Twenty questions about a…
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Long time ago, later GSIS Members started to promote the endeavour to integrate knowledge in the field of the general study of information and systems as a basis for the constitution of a truly global and sustainable information society. As…
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The IEEE (“Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers” – the world’s largest professional association) launched years ago the Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. This initiative consists of several thematic committees comprising some hundred experts in the field, including…
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Leibniz Society and Emergent Systems Group member Wolfgang Coy, long-time expert in the field of informatics and society, was awarded the Weizenbaum Medal 2018 sponsored by the Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (Computer Scientists for Peace and Social…
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Artists play a decisive role in societal transformations. Often, in times of crises, a considerable part of them, together with other parts of society, represent kind of conscience of society and they influence the societal consciousness through their criticism of…
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A book released end of January 2019 contains papers of speakers of the 6th ICTs-and-Society Conference held in 2017. The book is edited by David Chandler and Christian Fuchs and published with University of Westminster Press. You can download it…
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Klaus Kornwachs was invited by the Club of Vienna to hold a lecture. Around fifty people attended on 11 December 2018 his talk on Kritik der Autonomie – Warum Maschinen nicht eigenständig agieren sollten (Critique of autonomy – why machines…
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On 10 December 2018 Klaus Kornwachs was guest in the fall lecture series Aspects of the Digital Transformation, organised by the Center for Informatics and Society (C!S) of the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology. The title of the lecture…
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