Joint project on “Information Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability”

The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague (FIS) and The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society (GSIS) signed a Memorandum on a joint project on Information Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability. This project shall…

Challenging Organisations and Society (COS) Conference 2019: The Art of Intelligence – Backbone of Digitization?

ARTificial 2019 in Linz at its Makerspace Grand Garage© aimed to bring together practitioners, researchers, and artists from different fields. About 60 participants joined the 3-day learning journey starting with interfacing digital production technologies and art, inspired by Johannes Braumann…

“Building up a Global Sustainable Information Society”: ICAI 2019 Madrid

The Second International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI) took place from 6 to 9 November 2019 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus Somosaguas, Spain. It was the first-ever conference with the title: Building up a Global Sustainable Information Society.…

Ethically aligned design – first edition released

The IEEE Initiative on ethics with autonomous and intelligent systems (A/IS) published the collaborative work on ethical considerations in the design of A/IS (see our previous news on the topic). Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed to the chapter Classical Ethics in A/IS,…

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