Category Archives: Emergent Systems Research Group (page 9)

Challenging Organisations and Society (COS) Conference 2019: The Art of Intelligence – Backbone of Digitization?

ARTificial 2019 in Linz at its Makerspace Grand Garage© aimed to bring together practitioners, researchers, and artists from different fields. About 60 participants joined the 3-day learning journey starting with interfacing digital production technologies and art, inspired by Johannes Braumann…

“Building up a Global Sustainable Information Society”: ICAI 2019 Madrid

The Second International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI) took place from 6 to 9 November 2019 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus Somosaguas, Spain. It was the first-ever conference with the title: Building up a Global Sustainable Information Society.…

Ethically aligned design – first edition released

The IEEE Initiative on ethics with autonomous and intelligent systems (A/IS) published the collaborative work on ethical considerations in the design of A/IS (see our previous news on the topic). Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed to the chapter Classical Ethics in A/IS,…

“Technology is for people and not the other way round”*. GSIS supports the Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism

The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society signed the Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism (see screen shot of the website banner above). Hannes Werthner, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), convened…

New books about the study of information presented at the IS4SI Summit Berkeley 2019

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic and Mark Burgin edited Volume 10 of the World Scientific Series in Information Studies in May 2019. Volume 11 is planned for 2020. Those publications have been prepared in the aftermath of the Summit Gothenburg 2017. See more…

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