Our member, Peter Fleissner, who worked on simulation models on the current endemic in European countries and runs currently a blog with daily updates of the situation in Austria, will hold a webinar on the pandemic. The webinar will be…
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Peter Fleissner‘s simulation model shows that Austria is on a good track to starve out the SARS-CoV-2, if the lifting of the countermeasures will not be too soon. According to his model, the development of the epidemic is approaching the…
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Peter Fleissner, expert in social cybernetics, considers a new strategy for dealing with the virus in Austria. According to his simulation model – that so far has been fitting well the actual numbers of infected people (see here) –, in…
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Our member, social scientist Peter Fleissner, retired professor at the TU Wien, simulates the development of the COVID 19 endemic in Austria. He writes: Here you find the results of a simple simulation model of the COVID 19 epidemic in…
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A science of information as a single integrated transdiscipline cannot be reduced to a unified, or general, theory of information. But it can take advantage of such a theory that can form its backbone. Science is more than theory that…
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The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague (FIS) and The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society (GSIS) signed a Memorandum on a joint project on Information Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability. This project shall…
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Wolfgang Hofkirchner was invited to give a lecture on Emergent information. A Unified Theory of Information framework (the title of his 2013 monograph) at the Institute of Information Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, on 26 November 2019.…
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The Second International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI) took place from 6 to 9 November 2019 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus Somosaguas, Spain. It was the first-ever conference with the title: Building up a Global Sustainable Information Society.…
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Resuming our line of scientific research into issues of rational and irrational discourse, post truth, and populism (see 2017a, 2017b, 2017c, 2018), the Emergent Systems Group gathered with newly established working groups of the Leibniz-Society of Scholars on “Strukturwandel &…
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Sophie Huber-Lachner‘s trailer of her documentary on alternative ways of education is out. The working title “A und O” was replaced by “Lernen lernen”. The new title means learning how to learn. The start of the movie is scheduled for…
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