The “Emergent Systems, Information and Society” group – founded as Research Group of the Bertalanffy Center, as Working Group of the Leibniz-Society, and as Special Interest Group of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) – presented on the occasion of the regular General…
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20-21 May 2017 took place at the University of Westminster, hosted by the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies. Christian Fuchs was Conference Co-Convenor and Chair. The symposium invited ten speakers, among them Antonio Negri. It was supported by the journal tripleC.…
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During May 2017 the second project meeting of Information Ethics Systems Approaches took place in Vienna. Besides Tomáš Sigmund and Wolfgang Hofkirchner, the following researchers participated: Annette Grathoff, Renate Quehenberger, Stefan Strauß, Liang Wang and Tianqi Wu. Privacy dominated the list…
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In the week before Easter 2017, the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science hosted three events organised by the Emergent Systems Group as a prelude to three workshops to be held by the group at the IS4SI Summit…
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Tomas Sigmund, member of the Emergent Systems Group, works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Systems Analysis that belongs to the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at the University of Economics, Prague. Currently he is focusing on theoretical systems approaches towards information and computer…
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Wolfgang Hofkirchner was invited to give a lecture in the course Transdisciplinarity Research Methods at the Department of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg. At the same time, that lecture was part of the SCCIIL Interdisciplinary Center Research Seminar that connects to Chalmers University. SCCIIL…
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Recent literature suggests the appearance of information that is coupled to significance not only with the advent of biotic agents (“meaning“ in living systems) but already with prebiotic environments, namely, with the existence of agents (non-living, physical systems) that – according to the fourth law of thermodynamics after Stuart…
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Wolfgang Hofkirchner attended Research Committee on Sociocybernetics sessions and held a lecture on Convergences of General System Theory, Critical Realism and Theory of Society. The Forum of the International Sociological Association took place in Vienna from 10-14 July 2016.
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Members of the Emergent Systems, Information and Society were speakers at a session of the 10th International Leibniz Congress held in Hanover, Germany, during the week from 18 to 22 July 2016. The session was convoked by Rainer E. Zimmermann and dedicated to Relationality…
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The Research Group Emergent Systems, Information and Society held a meeting in the framework of the BCSSS emcsr avantgarde 2016 in Vienna. Hamid Ekbia, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Research on Mediated Interaction at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, held…
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