“Utopia(s) reloaded” talks V: Summary

Science, activism and the techno-eco-social transformation

Date: 26-28 October 2023

Venue: 4lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien


GSIS in co-operation with partners:
Club of Vienna
Degrowth Vienna
DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe “Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit”, Universität Hamburg (DFG-KFG)
Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF)
Fridays for Future Wien (FFF Wien)
Herbert C. Kelman Institute (HKI)
Homeland Earth (Homeland Earth)
Institut für Internationale Entwicklung, Universität Wien (IE)
International Convivialist Association (ICA)
International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI)
Pontificia Università Lateranense (PUL)
Rosa-Luxemburg-Institut (RLI)
Scientists for Future Österreich (S4F Österreich)
System Change, not Climate Change! (SCnCC)

Call for talks

Click here. | Zur deutschen Fassung.

Programme | Programm

Talks about the role of utopian/dystopian imaginaries of the future in transforming global risks – scientific and activist points of view | Gespräche über die Rolle utopischer/dystopischer Zukunftsbilder bei der Transformation globaler Risiken – wissenschaftliche und aktivistische Perspektiven

All days

Art installation

Gerald Pueringer: BITCOIN-ALTAR [photo: Gerald Pueringer] | Description (German)

Clothing art showcase

Maria Gärber: Kunst-stoff [photos: Maria Gärber] | Description (German)

Day 1: Utopia(s) for the social transformation

1.1 Entry: A global culture uniting humanity through diversity – “Conviviality”? | Einstieg: Eine globale Kultur, welche die Vielfalt der Menschheit zu ihrer Einheit nutzt – “Konvivialität”?

Wolfgang Hofkirchner (TU Wien and GSIS): A necessary step in the evolution of humanity (Opening speech) | pdf

Frank Adloff (Universität Hamburg, DFG-KFG, and ICA): tbd | Link to video interview “What is conviviality?”

Antje Daniel (Universität Wien, IE): Utopia – A prismatic perspective

Alexander Behr (Universität Wien): Globale Solidarität – Wie wir die imperiale Lebensweise überwinden und die sozial-ökologische Transformation umsetzen | Link to the book

1.2 Peace

Werner Wintersteiner (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, HKI, Homeland Earth): Why peace is a central element of the necessary socio-ecological and cultural transformation of our “Homeland Earth” | Link: Über das informelle Netzwerk Edgar Morin für den deutschsprachigen Raum
Verena Winiwarter (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, S4F): Material legacies of war as a common responsibility of humankind

1.3 Habits and rituals

Raffaela Giovagnoli (PUL, Roma, and GSIS) [on the left]: Rituals, society and nostalgia | pdf
Amin Elfeshawi (Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz, Austria, and GSIS): Salafi streams and their utopia of an Islamic State | Amin Elfeshawi discussed the positions of various Salafist movements regarding their utopia of an Islamic state. Their historical origins as well as their methods for implementing the objective of a so-called Islamic State were explained.
Edson Krenak (Cultural Survival, Inc., Cambridge, MA, and Universität Wien) [on the right]: Indigenous imaginations and ecopolitics in Amazonia – Protecting gardens against the state | Link to video interview “What can we learn from indigenous peoples?”

1.4 Outlook

Lorenzo Magnani (Università di Pavia): Overcoming the current violent capitalist accumulation favored by the “New Enclosures” – Degradation of women, lockdowns, looting finance, war, plunder now | ppt | pdf

Day 1 Evening Cultural Programme

LESUNG (German) 18.00-19.30

Laura Freudenthaler: Arson | Link to her book, published on 28 August 2023 [© Gianmaria Gava]
Moderation: Margarete Maurer (Philosophische Praxis, Forschung und Wissenschafts-Coaching, RLI und S4F Österreich) [on the left]

Day 2: Utopia(s) for the eco-social transformation

2.1 Entry: A sustainable planet – “Anthropo-relationality”? | Einstieg: Ein nachhaltiger Planet – “Anthropo-Relationalität”?

Annette Schlemm (Philosophenstübchen and GSIS) [on the right]: Utopien in dystopischen Zuständen

Frank Adloff (Universität Hamburg, DFG-KFG, and ICA): tbd

2.2 Degrowth

Frédéric Vandenberghe (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Max Weber Kolleg at the University of Erfurt and ICA) [in the photo third from the left]: The New Anthropocentrism – Transformative power in the Anthropocene | pdf

Livia Regen (DEGROWTH VIENNA and GSIS): Strategies for social-ecological (degrowth) transformation | Link to video interview “What is the degrowth movement about?”

Antje Daniel (Universität Wien, IE): Degrowth – Eco-topian imaginaries in South Africa

2.3 Law
14.00-15.30 parallel session

Philipp Degens (Universität Hamburg, DFG-KFG): Transformatives Recht von Unten? Legal coding als Instrument der Solidarischen Ökonomie
Lorenz Glatz (Munus Stiftung): Praktische Erfahrungen bei der Wiedererrichtung von Commons anhand der Munus Stiftung | Presentation pdf | Link

2.4 Climate justice
14.00-15.30 (parallel session)

Laila Kriechbaum (FFF Wien) [on the right]: Climate justice
Kurt Bayer (self-employed economics consultant, Wien) [in the middle]: Discussion of the inadequacy of the standard economic model to deal with the necessary socio-ecological transition | pdf | Link to Bayer’s blog | Link to video interview “Climate justice within capitalism?”

Johannes Siegmund (Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien) [in the photo on the left]: Klimasolidarität | Link to the book

2.5 Outlook

Verena Gradinger (SCnCC) [on the right] and Lena Schilling (LobauBleibt) [in the middle]: Science and activism – how can we move forward together? | Link to the video interview with Verena Gradinger “Climate change: What needs to be done?”

Ernest Aigner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) [in the photo on the left] | Climate-friendly structures | Link to the book | Link to the video interview “How can we achieve climate-friendly living?”

Day 2 Evening Cultural Programme

BUCHVORSTELLUNG (German) 18.00-19.30

Annette Schlemm: Climate Engineering – Wie wir uns technologisch zu Tode siegen, statt die Gesellschaft zu revolutionieren | Link to her book

Day 3: Utopia(s) for the techno-eco-social transformation

3.1 Entry: Appropriate tools for an informed world civilisation – “Meaningfulness”? | Einstieg: Angepasste Werkzeuge für eine informierte Weltzivilisation – “Sinnhaftigkeit”?

Hans-Jörg Kreowski (Universität Bremen, IS4SI and FIfF) [on the left]: The dream of a peaceful digital transformation of the human society | Abstract | Presentation pdf | Link to the video interview “The dream of a peaceful digital transformation”
José María Díaz Nafría (Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, IS4SI and GSIS) [on the right], Teresa Guarda (Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador, IS4SI and GSIS) and Modestos Stavrakis (University of the Aegean and GSIS): Designing interaction from the local to the global level – The role of interactive technologies in the deployment of adaptive constellations of social utopias | Abstract | Presentation pdf

Vangelis Papadimitropoulos (Panteion University, Athens, and GSIS): Research results from the project “Techno-Social Innovation in the Collaborative Economy” | Keywords: the digital commons, open-source technologies, platform cooperatives, open cooperatives and Distributed Autonomous Organizations on Blockchain | ppt | Link to an article, link to another article

3.2 Ethics
11.00-12.30 and parallel session extension

Online participants from China and Liang Wang [on the right] in presence
Liang Wang (Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, and GSIS): Role-based human-robot relationship ethics – From Aristotle to Confucius | pdf
Summaries from Wenya Ma: Human-Robot Symbiosis Culture, Shengrui Wang: Cross-Cultural Ethical Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Ziyi Ma: Ethical design of cross-cultural artificial intelligence, What is possible? Based Designers Cultivating Ethical Responsibility, Xuelin Wang: Ethical application of social robots from a cross-cultural perspective: Based on consumer perspective (all from College of Marxism, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, and IS4SI) | pdf
Tomáš Sigmund (Prague University of Economics and Business and GSIS): How technologies change humans, how they support or suppress human characteristics of altruism, prosociality, creativity, intuition or commitment | pdf

3.3 KI

Petra Herczeg (Universität Wien und Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft) [on the right] and Armin Scholl (Universität Münster und Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft) [in the photo next to her]: ChatGPT: the butler – A discussion with AI about objectivity and engagement in research on ChatGPT | ChatGPT: Der Butler – Eine Diskussion mit der KI über Objektivität und Engagement in der Forschung über ChatGPT | ppt (English) | ppt (German) | doc (German) | Link to the video interview with Armin Scholl “The limits of ChatGPT”

3.4 Outlook

Yagmur Denizhan (Bogazici University, Istanbul, IS4SI and GSIS) [on the right]: Reclaiming technology | Abstract | ppt

Day 3 Evening Cultural Programme


Pauseroni [Karo Pichler on the left and Patrick Hagn on the right]: Make it work! A philosophical impulse for tackling the great global challenges, wrapped in a musical performance | Link
DJ Lambada [Irena Mostowicz in the middle]: dub, reggae, Israeli Musik, Arab, chicha, cumbia and Simon Jasnov: violin concert



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[The background photo of the title is from sunrise-1756274 used for our GSIS-logo.
Other photos and footage screenshots by Renate Quehenberger and Pauseroni, if not indicated otherwise.]


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